Parents of Newtown survive requires 566 million

A six-year-old girl who survived the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, must have $ 100 million in damages, according to her parents It will cost the State Connecticut $ 100 million  that it failed to protect children at Sandy Hook Elementary School from shooting massacre. That, at least the parents of a six-year-old girlContinue reading “Parents of Newtown survive requires 566 million”

Massacre: 15 Christians had their throats cut in Nigeria

Islamic extremists accused of a massacre of Christians in Nigeria. 15 Christians have had their throats cut   There have been a massacre of Christian residents in a village in northeastern Nigeria. Local residents and aid workers say that 15 Christians have been murdered, and that it is probably Islamic extremists who have done it. TheContinue reading “Massacre: 15 Christians had their throats cut in Nigeria”